

  By K P Paswan. The Global economy is multipolar and so too is global politics. The US confronts a new economic power as well as new political ideologies. So, what is the role of the US in new political order? There are two economically weak nations with Nukes and these two countries namely Pakistan and N Korea have greatly contributed to the growth of multipolar world. Pakistan, virtually on the brink of bankruptcy glorifies, religious based terrorism and N Korea is behaving like a Super Power while common people suffer from starvation. Iran Why Iran cannot have nukes if a bankrupt Pakistan can? American diplomats ably exploit such doubts Any country should have the right to obtain nuclear technology or even nuclear arms for deterrence, especially if is being threatened by another nuclear technology But we witness that the US still excels in the multipolar world even if its political and economic position has diminished. The US pioneered the brave new world of information technolog


  By K P Paswan.   Iran regularly hurls rocket to Pakistan, but this time Iran sent missiles inside Pakistan destroying a terror out fit and killing a few civilians. But Pakistan does not give real causality.   Pakistan thought that it was  humiliation and retaliated by missiles inside Iran killing at least nine people. So what is common and uncommon. Both are Islamic nations but with different religious ideology. Pakistan is a self-proclaimed theocratic state and the Sunnis Muslims are in majority. Economically Pakistan is an undeclared bankrupt country, searching for a money lender to borrow more and more money. Iran on the other hand is super rich and a country wherein the Shias are in majority. Pakistan is not an oil producing country but Iran is perhaps is a country with the largest deposit of oil and natural gas.   Both Iran and Pakistan glorify terror but there is difference. Iran has no poisonous Wahhabi religious ideology to export; this country is funding terror group


By K P Paswan. The parallel to the story of man-eating lions which in the past created fear psychosis must occurred to everyone. Man-eating lions, in distant past, stopped the rebuilding of Samaria in ancient Europe. If, we take into account the whole body of lion from the days of Assrian kings to the present era of war, it would exceed in tragedy, in savageness or in sheer insolent contempt for human race armed or unarmed white or black, the story of these brainless and fruitless wars fought in the middle east. But there is no evidence that the old inhabitants of Europe, or Assyria ever killed a man-eating lion. They looked to the king or Chief or some champion  to kill these man-eating lions. It was not the sport but the cardinal duty of kings and was in itself a title to be ruler of men. Theses cleared roads of beasts and robbers. Hercules the killer of lion, St George the Dragon slayer and all the rest owed to this their everlasting fame. When somebody called for the slaying of


By K P Paswan.   Here is a small state in the North West region of India which has been virtually abandoned by the PM Narendra Modi. It is a state being governed by bribery and nepotism, practices failing to deliver basic human services, Religion wise. there are two group of people Hinduism and Christianity. Meitei who subscribe Hinduism.   Manipur politics produced a gall that rose like the stench     of the garbage that has accumulated on the capital IMPHAL street because officials cannot figure out where to put it. Indian constitution which guarantees government position all religions was intended to balance the interests and needs of a diverse cosmopolitan nation. But in reality, it provides semi-permanent employment for self-dealing elites in political parties that look after themselves, rather than greater good.   The misrule had sent the state ‘s economy into free fall, and half the residents in Imphal lived in poverty. After Meitei, Kukis are the largest minority group. Miz


  By K P Paswan.   We hear a lot about political, economic and even social sanctions, being used as lethal weapons against certain nations ruled by belligerents’ autocrats or even democratically elected government. This is the age of globalization; no country is completely self-sufficient. A few countries produce oil and natural gas which is essential for the entire world. US still imports fertilizers from Russia despite of sanctions. A small Qatar is being ruled by an autocrat who thinks himself above the mightiest political figure of this plant and the reason is that Qatar has lot of oil and natural gas. A few countries are known for manufacturing drugs necessary for survival for the human race. These drugs are being sold to all the countries. Previously international trade was being regularized by UNCTADE which has been replaced by the famous or infamous WTO. It is difficult to regularize international trade as the money launderers and smugglers have devised way and means to avo


  By K P Paswan   What is so special of foreign policy of India? Is Narendra Modi different from the PM of UK or the Chancellor of Germany or the PM of Japan. We will try to find a possible answer.   Narendra Modi is neither an angel or devil. He is an elected PM of an open democracy. Indian foreign policy also demonstrates economic development.  Modi  is not the last man standing but certainly he is the last of the Mohican. No political figures in power is above criticism and Modi is not an exception.   Change of guard may shape Indian Foreign Policy. New global order is not understood by politicians in the opposition camp. With Caste Census, apartheid is now official in India. India is the only country in the world which survives on the caste-oriented politics. Modi is a popular political figure and to dislodge him from power, the opposition has formed a platform popularly known as I.N.D, I, A. A closer look at this strange platform with strange name reveal that almost every