BY K P Paswan Donald Trump the former president who is again in the race for the WH once described the UNO as obsolete and a picnic spot. After the end of WW2 there is no peace in the world and fruitless wars like Vietnam, Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan were fought and at present bloody wars are going on full speed in Ukraine and in the Palestine. After the collapse of USSR, cold war also disappeared and the world entered into an era of bloody conflicts. Before there was no globalization of terror but now terror outfits are here there and every where and what is surprising they are mutating at an alarming speed. We may divide the operations and functions of the UNO in three parts. From 1950 to 1965 was an era of different type of conflicts. Korea and Germany were divided and and Japan was bounded by a defense treaty with the US. Colonial powers were declining and newly independent states were clamoring for more foods and freedom. The worl...