
Showing posts from November, 2021


    By K P PASWAN. Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan surprised the world by declaring that Pakistan had no money to run the administration. It is strange that a country which has    nuclear bomb under its possession with heavy expenditure on army cannot run the administration. If it is truth than it means no country in the world render financial help Pakistan, not even China or Islamic nations as the reasons for an empty coffer of Pakistan is known to the world. Pakistan happens to be a rogue neighbor of India. While India is fast emerging as an economic power, Pakistan is facing bankruptcy.   Pakistan is an Islamic state as this nation was created on the basis of religion . After it got independence along with India in 1947, Pakistan had seen strange drama, elected government was followed by military rule. Whenever there is political stability army stages coupe badly affecting economic activities. Pakistan is not rich in natural resources and in the name of export it has no


BY K P PASWAN. Philosophy of death penalty for dreaded criminals needs serious debate as the situations in 21st century is totally different from the past. Criminals all over the world are enjoying the political patronage and support from human rights bodies. It is a piquant situation as abolition or retaining of death penalty depends upon the politicians in power who are thriving because of support of criminals of different background.  Many countries in the world have abolished capital sentence. Criminals on being convicted are awarded life long prison, with no prospect of parole. On the contrary many countries including US, Russia, India and most of the Islamic countries prefer death sentence for serious crimes like murder and rape with murder. In India capital punishment is awarded in rare of rarest cases With or without capital sentence, there is no slow down of crimes and fact of the matter is that criminals are committing murder as  they treat these acts of crimes as their


BY K P PASWAN   Celebrities all over the world are drug addicts. In Hollywood, drug addiction is not a big issue. In the famous case of O J Simpson, who was accused of murdering his former wife and her friends, defence lawyers told the court that murder was committed by Colombian drug cartel while Simpson, himself consumed drug. All over the world, extreme prosperity is followed by drug addiction. In India Punjab is the most prosperity and drug addiction is the menace which is proving a herculean task to be controlled.   The legendry Hollywood actor Montgomery died of drug addiction. From Merlyn Monroe to Elizabeth Taylor, drug addiction was necessary for better performance and sometimes for vulgar display of their body. Sons and daughters of celebrities in India has nothing to do with their performance, but it is luxurious life in fast lane that is causing headache to the laws enforcing authorities. India recently witnessed a strange drama. The son of a celebrity was caught alon


  By K P PASWAN. On line technology has become a way of life, without which India cannot progress and cannot survive. In the context of Indian economy, online technology is of recent origin and is becoming an essential tool for an emerging economy. It cannot be defined in a few words or even sentences. There is hardly any sector which is immune from the impact of online technology. Globalization of economy without the application of this technology is meaningless.  In the case of underdeveloped countries, industry and manufacturing activities flourished in traditional ways, but once online technology was introduced, even change in human behavior was seen and they were quick to realize the wonder of modern technology. Since independence, India did not open its market for the world. Mixed economy was opted as there was no alternative. After 1970 televisions and first generation of computers were introduced, but the import of these items was restricted and India remained in isolation. Maj